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We add value to plastics

Injection molding

From product development and prototyping to series production of plastic injection molding

Tool making support

If you are developing a new or an existing product and do not yet have the tools for it, we can help you with that.

Prilagajanje standardnih izdelkov

Milling (3-, 4- & full 5-axis), turning & post-processing Milling (3-, 4- & full 5-axis), turning

Why Plastika Bevc​?

Integrity and reliability

We work in the best interest of the client and with the thought that we do our best we can every day. We provide fast, innovative and reliable service.

Good relations

Good relationships are based on understanding each other's desires and requirements. We build mutual understanding based on trust. Good communication and honesty form the basis of our relations.

Quality solutions

We offer full support of our services to your development team. We can help provide you with the product design, optimisation and production.


We have a long-range view and take care about the environment we live in. It is important to pay attention to the sustainable production process of plastic products. We responsibly meet the agreed deadlines and standards.

Together we can make a difference.

One team, one common goal. Our employees, their knowledge, dedication to work and striving for perfection are the ones that make a difference.

Pridružite se 800+ podjetjem.

Kakšna pa bo vaša zgodba?

Our experience

Years of experience
1 +
Our partners
1 +
Pieces sold ennualy
1 M+
Online shop
Standard plastic products for various purposes
More than 2000 different standard plastic plugs, with which your finished product or the final assembly will achieve higher added value.


Product catalogue

Planning instructions

Planning instructions

Texture Standard VDI 3400

Katalog izdelkov

S klikom na spodnjo povezavo prenesete katalog izdelkov.

Navodila za načrtovanje

S klikom na spodnjo povezavo prenesete Navodila za načrtovanje

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