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About us

Together we make a difference. We have been making it for over 40 years.

We are a technology company that, with its knowledge and tradition, enables the development of custom plastic products. We are a responsive, innovative and stable partner in the field of plastic injection molding. Our employees are the ones who make a difference through their knowledge, dedication to work, and striving for perfection.
Years of experience
1 +
1 +
1 +
Pieces sold annualy
1 M+


The company was founded in 1980 with the desire to develop and produce quality plastic products and services to meet the requirements of the market.

With many years of investing in our knowledge and technological equipment, and carefully listening to the wishes of our customers, we have become one of the leading providers of plastic products and services in Slovenia.


Establishment of the independent company Kovinoplastika Bevc Jože s. p.


Moving to the existing site and construction of the workshop in Mihovica 23.


Purchase of the first digital plastic injection molding machine


Construction of a new workshop


Plastika Bevc d.o.o.

Our values



Good work

We work in the interest of the client and with the thought that we do the best we can every day. We provide fast, innovative, and reliable service.

Good relationships

Good relationships are based on understanding each other’s desires and requirements. We build mutual understanding on trust. We build open and honest communication.

Good solutions

Our services are in full support of your development team. We help with product planning, optimisation, and production.


We look at the long term and care about the environment we live in. What is important is the sustainable production process of plastic products. We responsibly stick to agreed deadlines and standards.

Our vision and mission




We want to become a full support in the development and optimisation of the production of a plastic element/product.


With our experience, knowledge and modern technology, we will support the clients in the development / production of their product.

Certificates / aknowledgments

Many certificates we have received over the years of our work are the proof that we are doing well.

List of certificates and aknowledgments
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Partner support

Join more than 800+ companies

We support partners in the field of development and production of injection molded plastic pieces, tool design, services to move the tools and use of existing tools. And what will your story be like?

Zakaj Plastika Bevc​?


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See what the day holds right from your wrist. Just tap the Calendar complication on your watch face or ask Siri.​


See what the day holds right from your wrist. Just tap the Calendar complication on your watch face or ask Siri.​


See what the day holds right from your wrist. Just tap the Calendar complication on your watch face or ask Siri.​


Trade in your eligible device for credit toward your next purchase, or get an Apple Gift Card you can use anytime.1 If your device isn’t eligible for credit, we’ll recycle it for free. No matter the model or condition, we can turn it into something good for you and good for the planet.

Plastika Bevc

Plastiki dodajamo vrednost. Že več kot 40 let.

Trade in your eligible device for credit toward your next purchase, or get an Apple Gift Card you can use anytime.1 If your device isn’t eligible for credit, we’ll recycle it for free. No matter the model or condition, we can turn it into something good for you and good for the planet.


Product catalogue

Planning instructions

Planning instructions

Texture Standard VDI 3400

Katalog izdelkov

S klikom na spodnjo povezavo prenesete katalog izdelkov.

Navodila za načrtovanje

S klikom na spodnjo povezavo prenesete Navodila za načrtovanje

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