Plastic injection molding
Plastic injection molding materials
Types of polymers
ABS offers a good balance of mechanical toughness, wide temperature range, chemical resistance, electrical insulating properties, good dimensional stability, and manufacturing simplicity. Due to its toughness and rigidity, it has excellent stress resistance.
PLA plastic is a type of natural polymer and hygroscopic thermoplastic that easily absorbs water from the atmosphere. As a material that can be naturally degraded and constantly renewed, PLA is ideal for use in injection molding. It has good mechanical and physical properties.
Polypropylene is a widely used semi-crystalline plastic injection material. It is used in a variety of applications and it has differences in price level. In general, polypropylene is a plastic injection material with low temperature and excellent chemical resistance.
Polyethylene is a widely used and low-cost injection molding thermoplastic. It is a material with self-lubricating properties and it is easy to handle. It has good to excellent chemical resistance. It is a soft, light, tough, chemical resistant, and impermeable material that has excellent electrical-insulating properties.
Nylons are a semi-crystalline polymers for injection molding with a good range of properties. They have a good cost to performance ratio. Lowered number nylons (6, 6-6, 4-6) absorb moisture and consequently change their properties. They consist of reinforcements, fillers and additives to produce a very wide variety of properties.
Polycarbonate is an amorphous plastic injection molding material that has excellent impact strength, clarity, and optical properties. It is frequently used, and with a wide range of compounds available. It has excellent mechanical properties and can be sprayed to small tolerances.
Additives and fibres
Dyes (according to RAL scale or specially developed dyes), UV stabilized PE, self-extinguishing ABS, PA6 with 30 % GF (glass fiber), PA6 30 % GB (glass ball), … Antibacterial additive or UV stabilizers may be added if necessary.